
Hepepe.hu @ Negative Sound Indtitute

My Tabula Smaragdina EP released at Negative Sound Institute (co - founded by GurdonAr4k & Verian Thomas). Check it, listen and download. Enjoy it, if u can... Tabula Smaragdina is not a Popmusic, but Smells like Thin Spirit... Put An Electronica In Your Tank. Central Heating for Knowledge.
Gurdonark sez about Tabula Smaragdina:
"Hepepe.hu hails from Budapest. Because Budapest functions so often as a crossroads of cultures, it is tempting to write the standard liner notes in which the eclectic nature of Hepepe.hu's muse is neatly dissected and labeled as a product of place. We live so often in a time in which nationality or ethnicity or religion or gender leads to easy labels and smooth, if inaccurate, definitions. The reality about this release, as with the reality about larger things in a larger picture, is that the neat definitions are less important than the music itself.
The Tabula Smaragdina, or "emerald tablet", refers to a mystical idea from the Rosicrucian tradition. One can also try to fit this music into some mystical "honor box of designation", and glibly term it an electronica for inward practice. This, too, simplifies the music into words, when the music itself does not fit so neatly into paragraph-size packages. This "Tabula Smaragdina" is not a quasi-religious track, but a set of tracks for the listener to enjoy.
Hepepe's calling card is that he makes eclectic electronica with a deep reverence for the traditional idioms which predate the harnessing of the diode and the capacitor to the cause of melody. Tabula Smaragdina is less an exploration of the jazz phantoms of the past, however, than a breathing set of electronica songs in its own right.
Although hepepe.hu has often remixed fascinating blends at http://www.ccmixter.org, Tabula Smaragdina comprises entirely new material blended from within the artist's mind.
We at NSI swim often in the deep waters of the idea and of the evocative nature of music. We are less an ambient label per se than a label in which the experience of sound gives rise to an atmosphere in which ideas and emotions merge into music. We present Hepepe.hu's intriguing electronica without manifesto or dogma, as songs uploaded for your listening pleasure, in the inward mystiscism of the music. If "getting the holy ghost across" is here less a spell and more a set of songs, then so much the better. We invite you to leave behind bells, books, and candles
and experience Hepepe.hu's tablet as music rather than commandment or myth."

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