
BOOx Language

<<{{ BOOx™ 2.0 }}>>

Language type: selfdefinitive, freeform, parametrical, tantric, variable, derivative, optimalized, generative, virtual
Created by Thami Gamour Rinpoche (a.k.a HPP/G3) based on his own Gregorax™ 7.0
Generated by Asclepios Data System™. Virtual server hppt://121.342.055.492|221.346.676.221|011.391.044.673
Security police: Deep Scan Crew™ extended method under permission Atlanticon

Syntax: elements
  1. <tag=”…”>, <command=”…”>, <data=”…”>

  2. mesage --//MSG: blablabla//--

  3. Upload of Energy <<command name>>

  4. Upgrade security level <<{command name}>> <<{tag name}>> <<{data}>>

  5. Crypt: 1 to 9 alphabetical code 4 ex.: a:1/1, b:1/2, c:1/3… or 1.1:1.2:1.3…or possible Da Vinci mirror method or some combinated description

  6. Warning: You don’t use never some non crypted web tools. If it is possible do not send BOOx™ stuff on mail, do not use ftp or gopher or web. Choose everything else Please do not talk about BOOx. It’s so impartant 4 U…

  7. Source: Akasha/Atlanticon/XXII+(Asclepion Archive)/Languages/BOOx.tgr

Cyberpest - 2005.10.22. 2:41:32


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